Love Stories from the Mamas…


Before I got pregnant, I was nervous about delivering my baby. Unsure of my capabilities, and wanting to have my baby at home but felt scared.

Rebekah helped me to feel confident and capable. I knew my body would know what to do and my baby knew what to do. I was not scared anymore about the ‘what if’s’. I started thinking positively about my birth experience and not dreading it. Confident, happy and healthy mama and baby.

I am so thankful I had Rebekah by my side to support me in making my decision about how and where to have my baby. She educated me and was there for me in so many ways. She brought out the confidence and courage in me I didn’t know I had.
— Emily Goodwin
It can be easily overwhelming with the various pregnancy and birth options; I wanted to be well-informed and confident in my decision making process. Rebekah helped inform and guide me to a plan that prioritized my goals and values. Rebekah was extremely supportive, kind, and informative throughout my time working with her. She did everything she could to help me prepare for the birth; I had an amazing, powerful, and positive birth experience because of how she helped me prepare.
After the birth, Rebekah offered incredible post-partum support. She answered questions, helped with breastfeeding techniques, and came to our home with food and showered us with love and support. Rebekah made me feel like I was important, my questions were important, and that she cared about me and my family. Working with Rebekah was empowering; I could not have asked for a better Doula!
— Haley Kasler

I had two hospital births previously but when I found out I was pregnant with my 3rd child I knew I wanted to do something different. We decided having a home birth was what felt right for our family.

I just needed the right people by my side and I thank God every day that Rebekah was there to help me through every step. In my pregnancy she was always excited for me and during the times of being nervous, scared or questioning things, she always had the right answer and helped me get through those obstacles.

During Labor, I truly believe I couldn’t have done it without her. The most important thing Rebekah did was give me courage and motivation to keep going even when I wanted to give up.

Once our beautiful baby boy was in the world she did not stop there. She continued to be such a blessing.. She always made sure we had everything we needed. Rebekah took so much burden off my husband and I so we could just concentrate on loving our precious baby. She was by my side through it all and I will forever be grateful for what she did for us. She has changed my outlook on pregnancy, birth and postpartum forever.
— Carissa Daniels
As first time parents, there is so much uncertainty and no matter how much we prepared, we didn’t know what we would need or how we would feel. We felt like we did everything we could to get ready, but we wanted the security of knowing we would have help when we got home.

Working with Rebekah helped us so much in the early days of parenthood. There is so much adjustment and exhaustion, but Rebekah showed up and took care of everything so we could rest. What I didn’t expect or plan on, however, was the support she’d continue to provide during the months that followed. Being a new parent is hard, but Rebekah was there for me every step of the way (and still is!). I had so many questions from breastfeeding to napping to establishing a routine to simply being an overwhelmed new mom. Rebekah made sure that I never felt alone, even if it was just as simple as text message to let me know she cared about me!

Rebekah is a wonderful Doula, but she’s also an incredibly caring and kind person. Rebekah’s support and encouragement helped me get through the toughest days.
— Justine

I was feeling hopeless. 3 years after no luck trying for our second and being prescribed thyroid medication for hypothyroidism, Rebekah came into my life. She asked about my birth story, my diet, my lifestyle.

She encouraged me to eliminate gut disrupting foods from my diet, she educated me on crucial vitamins to consume in order to prepare my body for another baby, and she also recommended I seek out a Natural Medical Doctor in my area for further health evaluation.

In the midst of my own health journey, I noticed my 4 year old daughter having bowel and urinary trouble.... Even though I felt Rebekah was helping more than I could ever imagine,she suggested we start a gluten free diet at once. We did just that, and my daughter was back to her normal self in a week and a half. I will, forever, be grateful.

In Rebekah, I have found inspiration. She naturally gave me motivation to make a change.

I have a more hopeful attitude, and I have a friend who genuinely cares and supports the happiness of my soul and the well being of my body. And I’m happy to know that if/when I ever conceive again I will have support from someone I can trust, from someone who has become family. Things are looking up. Thank you Rebekah!!
— Shelbi C
We hired Rebekah as a postpartum doula because we were nervous about being new parents and bringing our newborn home. My husband and I were worried about everything from changing diapers to swaddling. Our families live over a thousand miles away, so we were doing this on our own.

Rebekah provided the support and knowledge that we needed. She helped us learn so many little important things... She also brought us healthy snacks and easy meals to prepare, which was essential in those first couple of weeks. Rebekah even brought treats for our doggies! She stressed the importance of self care, which we also greatly appreciated.

Rebekah was eager and willing to answer any of our questions. Her encouragement and positive attitude let us know that we were doing a great job at being new parents and helped us realize that caring for a baby is not as scary as we thought it would be! Even though our son is now four months old, she still texts every now and then to check in. She provides a custom service to everyone’s unique situation and receives our highest recommendation.
— Tiffany and Ty Hampton

Being a first time mom, I was nervous about pregnancy and delivery. There is no set “formula” for childbirth, no two births ever look the exact same, so that “unknown” caused a lot of fear in me. I knew it was going to be great, it would be the day I would meet my baby after those long months, but I was still scared.

I quickly reached out to Rebekah, expressed my fears and asked if she had any advice and resources- she became my doula from a distance!

Rebekah truly changed the way I saw pregnancy and childbirth... The day our son, Luke Michael, was born changed my life! We experienced a natural, beautiful and PEACEFUL birth- everything we had wanted. There was nothing “unexpected” about it! All of Rebekah’s support, advice and resources changed the way our birth went.

If it wasn’t for Rebekah I wouldn’t be able to look back on the day my son was born and rejoice with how well it went. We love her and will be forever grateful for all her love and support!
— Alie & Baby Luke McRoskey, San Diego, CA